Each day in our life is an opportunity to learn lessons. We may like or dislike these lessons. However, it is necessary for us to design these lessons as part of curriculum of our course Life. First of all let’s ask - Why are we here? What is the purpose? We, the humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. But, what we and our ancestors have overlooked in the course of this endless search the very fact that there is no one single answer to this serious question; what is Life? Since the meaning of life is different for every individual. Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path of living, which is unique and separate for each one of them. As we travel through our life path, we get numerous lessons and we need to learn them in order to fulfill the very purpose of our life. The learning these lessons is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and relevance of our own life.
Once we have learned the basic lessons taught to us by our own self, i.e., our body, mind and soul then we are, now we are prepared for a more advanced teacher: the universe. This is in line with the saying, which says ‘yatha brahamande tatha pind”, i.e., your body as is the nature. We get lessons in every circumstance those surfaces in our life. When we experience pain, we learn a lesson. When we feel joy, we learn a different lesson. For every action or event, there is an accompanying lesson and that we must learn.
As we travel through our lifeline, we may encounter challenging and complex lessons that many don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with some other challenges that we don't need to deal with. We may never know why we are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while our friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as we cannot be sure why we struggle financially while our peers enjoy abundance. Here the only option we have either to choose to learn from them or ignore them entirely.
The challenge, therefore, is to align us with our own unique path by learning our lessons. This is the most difficult challenge we will face in our lifetime, as sometimes our path will lead us into a life that is radically different from others. Let’s not compare our path to those around us and focus on the disparity between their lessons and ours. We need to remember that we will only be faced with lessons that we are capable of learning and are specific to our own growth.
If we are able to rise to this challenge, we can unravel the mystery of our purpose and actually live in it. We cease being a victim of fate or circumstance and become empowered - life no longer just "happens to us". When we are working toward fulfilling our true purpose, we discover astonishing gifts within us that we may have never known we have. This process may not be easy, but the rewards are well worth the struggle.