Sunday, December 4, 2011

Karma - the action & its reaction written on the Soul

I am not a Vedic scholar who has mastered the Veda (Science of Knowledge), but a common man and think, like any other common man, I too have little understanding about life, living, destiny, etc. 

Very often, when a good or bad thing happens to a person, we immediately say it is the result of his or her 'Karma'. 

What is this ‘Karma’? It is Sanskrit word derived from its root ‘Kri’ of ‘Kriya’, which means ‘to do’ or “to make” or more simply, “an action”.

We also use a saying, “As you sow so you reap”, this can be a brief explanation to word Karma, which means you will get a suitable result for every action you do. 

The deeper meaning of Karma, however, sowing reaping is not of one-time action; it is an infinite chain of the results from the actions that we had perceived and performed. Thus, every action that is done after perceiving, is being added to the store as our karma.

The way we have the result for every examination we give, so also, for every action of ours we will have to get some result and we have to accept it. These results are termed as Karma Phal or Karma vina.

Earlier days our grandparents would say our ‘lekha-jokha’, i.e., an account of our deeds, which is said to be kept by Chitragupta and we will continue to take birth in this earth till our account is completely squared off, say cleared off. 

An action may be positive or negative and it will have to be balanced by a reward or a punishment, and to receive this result we need to take birth.

If we understand the computer system, it can be easy to understand the concept of Karma. The mind temporary storage unit connected with senses, the input devices, getting all the data from the outer world. These data are processed by the brain and resulted in the information. This information trigger the mind, which in turn gets some emotion - liking or disliking that cause a desire in the deep conscious mind the permanent storage unit, the storage device through this the outputs. Now, when a person dies Shtoola Sarira is left here on the earth, the Soul in the Karana Sharira goes with the embedded Consciousness with all its records imprinted in it. Such infected Soul doesn't get entry to Ultimate Destination of the Paramatma and it is returned back to earth to format the storage unit - the consciousness. 

Our body is like a computer system, it has hardware, i.e., our physical body, the sthoola sharira, the way the computer works on electric power so our physical body works on the vital power that we get through our Prana from the breath.

Next, comes our subtle body, the sukshma sharira. This is like software. The mind – is like a storage device that stores thoughts, emotion, and information, which are fed to it by the five input devices our body has, these are our sensory organs - managing these and outputs therefrom are like application software. 

Then, like system software of a computer, which controls hardware parts – operating system (OS), drivers (programs run computer peripherals), tools, etc., and manage the memory, in our body, we have wisdom, intelligence.

Many may not know that the computer is booted by an inbuilt chip called ROM, it has a program that runs the moment the computer is powered on. This then loads the Operating System (OS) and the application programs – make the computer function. We use the application software and start working with it, never understood it is the ROM which started all these games.

In the manner the instructions on ROM put the computer to function, so the soul that boots the body and put to act according to the instructions written on the soul. 

These are the instructions written in all past life. So long there are instructions on the soul we will have to take birth after birth.

In this context, we can find what Adi Shankara has stated in the Bhaja Govindam. He said that our soul – the Atma, takes birth, dies and then again goes to the womb of the mother to take a birth: "Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam, punarapi Janani jathare Sayan; iha snasare bahu dustare krupaya paare pahi murare"

‘Born again, died again, again to had slumber in the mother’s womb! It is indeed hard to cross this boundless ocean of samsAra. Oh, Murari! please show Your mercy.

Karma is a concept of wisdom, based on the Ancient Vedas and Upanishads, which explains that the karma is a system by which a person gets peace and happiness that are derived from his or her past positive and good acts and suffer from the past negative or sinful acts. 

Thus we create a chain of actions and reactions throughout our reincarnated our lives. So, in every life, our endeavor has to be to minimize these actions and reactions.

For this, our scriptures say that actions done as duty without any attachment (raga), would not be considered the karma when it has not been created by good or bad action.

How to live in a detached way?

On this Maharishi Patanjali in 12 sutra of Yoga Sutra has said: 

"abhyāsa-vairāgya-ābhyāṁ tan-nirodhaḥ". 

This means the state of detachment can be attained only by practicing the Abhyasa, assiduousness and regular conscious practice and imperturbability vairagya, i.e., detachment.

Soul wants to be Happy All the Time, in a Blissful State.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let's Dance to Health (Getting Motivated)

Dance to Health (A interesting Act to kindle the awareness to Save the Nature)

It is rather very difficult to motivate a person to get into physical activity – the Vihar, the essential basic principles of Yoga – Aahar, Vihar & Nidra. Aahar, we live for and on it also body clock stops if periodic food intake is not there; in the same manner nidra also no one can escape it would overpower person when he or she is exhausted and tiered. It is very very unfortunate that there is no triggering body mechanism to warn or alert or make us to feel the need to undertake physical activity or the Vihar.

To get into Vihar one has to get awareness about its importance as an essential for good health. Perhaps to overcome the drawback of people to understand the importance of Vihar – it has been given in many interesting forms, like, sports, games, running, dancing, etc.

It would be rather surprising to find the happiness, enjoyment and relaxation one can get from dancing, it is magical and transforming. Dancing can breathe a new life into a tired soul; make the spirit fly, rise high, reach high level, fly without flapping of wings. It unleashes locked-away creativity; unite generations and cultures; inspires new romances or rekindle old ones; trigger long-forgotten memories; turn sadness into joy. All only if we dance.

On physical level, dancing can give us a great body-mind workout. Researchers have found that regular physical activity in general can help keep your body, including your brain, healthy as you age. Exercise increases the level of brain chemicals that encourage nerve cells to grow. And the dancing adds something more as it requires you to remember dance steps and sequences which is a great exercise to mind and boosts brain power by improving memory.

Benefits Abound

Like other moderate, low-impact, weight bearing activities, such as brisk walking, cycling or aerobics, dancing can help:

  • strengthen bones and muscles without hurting your joints
  • tone your entire body
  • improve your posture and balance, which can prevent falls
  • increase your stamina and flexibility
  • reduce stress and tension
  • build confidence
  • provide opportunities to meet people, and
  • ward off illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, and depression

Dancing may be a great activity for people age 50 and older because you can vary the level of physical exertion so easily. For instance, people just getting back into dance or physical activity can start out more slowly, then "step it up a notch" by adding things like dips and turns as they progress. The more energy you put effortlessly into a dance, and make more vigorous workout. If your doctor hasn't restricted your activity in any way, you're ready to dive into the pool of dancing. If you haven't been active or seen the doctor in a while, ask yourself the following questions, before starting to dance:

  1. Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
  2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
  3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
  4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness, or do you ever lose consciousness?
  5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could get worse from a change in your physical activity?
  6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for blood pressure or a heart condition?
  7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?

In such cases, you may swing your body and body parts to any melodious music and feel great sense of achievement.

Today’s presentation on Save the Nature

Start on Anandamaya Kosha (Spiritual Layer): Body is the TEMPLE of our soul – the soul should leave this body like dry leaf leaves the tree. Till then we need strong body – so Spiritual cum Physical form of dance Suryanamaskar

Then goes on to Annamaya & Pranamaya Koshas (Physical & Vital Layers): Then we need strong body – great agility – and flexible joints; here are some forms of dance we want to explore with aerobic movements and jogging to strengthen our heart and lungs:

Finally taps the Manomaya & Vigyanamaya Koshas (Mental & Intellectual Layers): Mind is the powerful tool capable of overrule our wisdom & intelligence; so we need to engage it with creativity that it can tap and work for our intellectual layer.

Natural Health & Beauty – it is our responsibility to safeguard nature. Nature gives a fountain of youth. A Nature’s lover comes to a place at some hill top – full of trees, bushes, plants with flowers, mountain and rivers – he enjoys every bit of the nature; there comes a wood cutter – cuts the branches of the tree – nature’s lover tries to stop him – wood cutter pushes him aside and tells him that it is his bread and butter – he has a family to look after – collects the wood and goes – old man feels very sad – soon there comes a bull dozer – to prepare that place for hill resort – 5 star hotel – old man tries to hold him – he simply laughs at the foolishness of the old man and clears all the trees, hillocks and bushes and nature’s lover terribly hurt and bitterly cries .. he goes in his illusion thinking everything has ruined and nature has totally destroyed – there comes another nature’s lover enjoying the nature – wakes up first man and shows that nature has not been destroyed – it is very much there – nature and all there swing to tunes of nature.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Five Layers and Your Divinity

If we look back into the human evolution, we see that it was the first jivatma, the living force (we may call it Atman), it is our understanding that this in combination with Panchamahabhutas evolved into living body, with basic animal instincts; and each of these Panchamahabhutas has its own characteristics; with the passage of time these living body acquiring the power of perception became human beings, the perceptions gave the human being to differentiate between the thoughts or emotions and wisdom or maturity. The faculty that governs thoughts & emotions is called the mind and the faculty that governs wisdom is called the intellect. The persons when become aware of these two aspects we call them normal persons and those who are capable of changing their way of living as per wisdom without succumbing to the effects of thoughts or emotions we may call them the great human beings. Those, who are able to overcome effects of mind or its fluctuations, may be called as super human beings. These super humans are able to feel the supreme power within them and when they are in yoga with that supreme power we call them divine and finally when they assimilate themselves with that supreme power they become cosmic personalities. There are various theories explaining the elements and their effects on human living. Basically we have to understand our present level then if we want might like to change our way of living to enhance our human level. This would be possible only when we are able to understand what is happening in our mind and how we respond to those triggers. For this one has to understand his or her own self its compositions, here the age old science of Pancha koshas would come to great help. What are these Pancha Koshas, these five layers of our existence, crossing these five layers we may be able to make ourselves divine person. The five layers, the koshas, which means sheaths are: Physical Layer - Annamaya kosha, Energy Layer - Pranamaya kosha, Mental Layer - Manamaya kosha, Wisdom Layer - Vijnanamaya kosha and Bliss Layer - Anandamaya kosha. Beyond these layers is the Self – the Atman. Kosha, i.e., the sheath, is cover preventing us to feel or realize our self. These layers are illusions, the Maya which appears to be true, or like mirage as if something appears to be one way, but is really another. Annamaya kosha (sheath of food): Anna means food, all of the physical aspects of life come and go, and are consumed by another aspect of external reality. This is the outermost of the koshas. The next kosha is Pranamaya kosha. Prana means energy. It is the vital force that produces the subtle vibrations related to breath, and which are the driving force behind the physical aspect of the senses and the operation of the physical body. The next kosha is Manamaya kosha. Mana or manas means mind. It is the level of processing thoughts and emotions. It is in direct control of the operation, through the prana, of the physical body and senses. The next of the koshas is Vijnanamaya kosha. Vijnana means science or knowing. It is the sheath of wisdom that is underneath the processing, thinking aspect of mind. It knows, decides, judges, and discriminates between this and that, between useful and not useful. Anandamaya kosha is inner most kosha, the first kosha surrounding the Atman, the eternal center of consciousness. Ananda means bliss.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why can't we have a Life Style to Make us Fit for Life?

Recently I read a book by Harvey Diamond, "Fit for Life: A New Beginning". I found it not an ordinary book, it is a thought provoking and make the reader to change his or her way of living - which includes the basic yogic principles of living, i.e., aahar, vihar and nidra - meaning diet, activities and sleep. If we put these in to practice together these can be called A Complete Diet and Health Plan. The author Diamond, in his introductory chapter itself had given a great emphasis to the dominant role of food played and continues to play throughout our life. He had questioned us, are we aware that on an average each one of us will consume approximately about 72 tons of food in our lifetime? Further, he makes comment that the amount of time, effort, and energy necessary to obtain, prepare and consume that seventy two tons of food. These are external factors, then how do these foods make us to put effort on our body to break down the food, extract, and utilize what we need from it and element the rest, represents a hugely significant portion of our life on this planet.

From the foregoing paragraph is it not clear, that we have been spending most of our time and energy in procuring food and extracting a little energy from what we eat. We need to understand the effect of those seventy two tons of food on our energy levels, well being, health, and longevity. Today, we are in intellectual era, most of us commit an offence or a wrong knowingly the consequences of that act. It is equally applies to our eating and drinking habit that makes our way of living.

Here, I wish to understand what is life? How do we live? What is my way of life? How do I manage myself? All these questions, I have attempted to answer under one course - we may call it, "Life Style Management".

to be continued .....

Why can't we have a Life Style to Make us Fit for Life?

Recently I read a book by Harvey Diamond, "Fit for Life: A New Beginning". I found it not an ordinary book, it is a thought provoking and make the reader to change his or her way of living - which includes the basic yogic principles of living, i.e., aahar, vihar and nidra - meaning diet, activities and sleep. If we put these in to practice together these can be called A Complete Diet and Health Plan. The author Diamond, in his introductory chapter itself had given a great emphasis to the dominant role of food played and continues to play throughout our life. He had questioned us, are we aware that on an average each one of us will consume approximately about 72 tons of food in our lifetime? Further, he makes comment that the amount of time, effort, and energy necessary to obtain, prepare and consume that seventy two tons of food. These are external factors, then how do these foods make us to put effort on our body to break down the food, extract, and utilize what we need from it and element the rest, represents a hugely significant portion of our life on this planet.

From the foregoing paragraph is it not clear, that we have been spending most of our time and energy in procuring food and extracting a little energy from what we eat. We need to understand the effect of those seventy two tons of food on our energy levels, well being, health, and longevity. Today, we are in intellectual era, most of us commit an offence or a wrong knowingly the consequences of that act. It is equally applies to our eating and drinking habit that makes our way of living.

Here, I wish to understand what is life? How do we live? What is my way of life? How do I manage myself? All these questions, I have attempted to answer under one course - we may call it, "Life Style Management".

to be continued .....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Servicing of Body Machine

One of my students asked me for a skit - which he wanted to present along with his friends - on Students' Day. He was the student of Diploma in Yoga Therapy, Naturopathy & Natural Living - a course designed by our revered Guruji Yogacharya Padmashri Sadashiv Nimbalkar.

I thought for a moment, what to do and what appropriate message to give to all witnessing the skit, here is my thought flow in the creation of a skit.

Family - the present-day nuclear family 
Mother - Radha, 
Father - Krishna, 
Son - Omkar (called Om) and 
Daughter - Jaishree (Called Shree) - whole day there would be a call for Om or Shree

Morning Time: 8.00 AM

Krishna is reading the newspaper, Shree enters - looking very tired and week

Shree: Morning dad!

K: Morning dear! What happened? Your face is looking puffy.

Shree: Ho Dad! The same prob, the whole night I was coiling myself, had a very bad night.

K: Shree! I want to gift you something

S: (Happily) what money? - (excited) ho! dad how much, give me a big amount, I want to buy a number of things!

K: Oh dear! the money you can have any time but money can not get you a sound sleep. Anyway, I didn't say I'll give you money I said, I want to give you a gift and my gift will certainly give you a sound sleep.

Shree: Sound sleep, really Dad? How long I have been longing to have a sound and peaceful sleep.

R: (Mother coming with teacups) For your problem, all you need do is to practice Neti Kriya and breathing, do it seriously.

Shree: (Angry) Ho my God again you have started.
You two took VRS fine,
joined YVN to keep yourselves occupied again fine, why can't you relax and leave us free.
Both what you do - oh save God you both keep on preaching one and all
what to do; how to live in a healthy way ------- oh Mom, can you not stop all these .....
(getting so worked out that she gets a serious bout of coughing)

K: (Comes to her and pat on the back) Come on relax, relax -
now for a moment will you listen to me - please
(Shree looks at her Dad shows the willingness to listen)
OK - Now lift both arms up stretch back and bend forwards keeping arms close to ears.
Now breath deeply
(Shree follows his instructions, after few deep breaths she comes to normal)
Understand what is happening? (she looks at him)

When you stretched back you stretched your breathing passage also and could more deeply and when you bend forward - a lot of blood accumulate in your lungs and warmth was generated that made your breathing easier and you become comfortable.

S: Ho Dad thanks - I am feeling great now, OK now tell me about my gift

K: I have already given you a part of it and thanks dear you have accepted it heartily. Now, the rest of the gift - I can give you only when you are ready to work in that direction.

S: (By now normal) OK I will listen and do

R: The best treatment, I mean your gift would Jal Neti and Rubber Neti, you know in US people call Jal Neti - Nasal Irrigation.

S: What Nasal Irrigation, to which farm do they want to water?

K: No farm - it is your nasal passage the path through which your breath takes oxygen to your lungs, Neti Kriya removes not only dirt in the passage but also desensitize your nostrils that the triggers that make you cough fail and you will be free of coughing.

S: Really, I think, I must give a try, but putting rubber in the nose - oh I don't think I can do that

R: There is nothing you can not do - it is only your mind tells all these - you simply start doing and you will be surprised to see that you are very comfortable and enjoying it.

K: so you accepted my gift.

S: Yes Dad, with all thanks to Mom.

K: Va, va gift from me and thanks to Mom - OK I am happy. Where is OM, is he not getting late?

S: He is waiting for his pressure to build up - just finished breakfast - soon he will be here?

K: Radhika, how many times should I tell you that don't give them breakfast unless they are ready for the day, I mean only after they finish their bath and prayer. (Om enter listening to Dad)

O: What breakfast after bath - no way

K: Why can't you take two glasses of water after you brush your teeth.

O: (In a high pitch) What? Water in the empty stomach - oh no - I can't do it -- I will simply vomit, no water before breakfast.

R: In the process, you will not break your fasting but only break your systems into pieces.

K: You know, why you feel like vomiting - because in the morning the residues in your stomach are acidic - and my dear engineer son, you very well know what will happen when you put water in acid - yes, initially for a day or two you will feel that discomfort - soon you start enjoying Ushapaan

O: Ushapaan

R: Yes paan means a drink taken in the Usha kaal, that is morning. In Ushapaan water is taken in an empty stomach in the morning. Take a few glasses of water and move around - see how fast your flush system functions.

S: But Mom what is wrong if I take breakfast before I attend morning calls?

R: Very good question, you see we prepare fresh food - there is leftover stale food - started rotting, if mix this fresh food with the rotten one - what will happen?

O: OK OK I will take Usha,

S: Not Usha - Ushapaan... Samjhe bachooo,

O: Shut up. Dad, I am putting a car in the garage for servicing, please collect it in the evening.

R: And when are you going to put your Body Car for servicing?

O & S: What? What rubbish? Body car?

K: She is absolutely correct. Our body is machine lives on the food we take
like a car runs on petrol, we live on our intake food and water
we add cooling, remove used oil and refill the fresh oil -
our body machine also need periodic cleansing Yoga has prescribed Shatkriya for that -
Today all are well aware of this fact
that is why a number of SPAs are coming up for detoxification and rejuvenating the body systems - giving massage, enema and other natural ways to keep Body Machine clean and to function efficiently.

R: And you know the what are the basic principles to keep Body Machine nicely tuned up

O & S: Why not?

S: We have heard that n number of times.

O: Yes, Aahar - that is Diet

S: Vihar the activities

O: and Nidra the sound sleep - the relaxation

O & S: OK

R: Very nice - you both have been latent listeners. Good

O: We will service Our Body Machine - Make a Clean Machine

K & R: Great - Thank God!